Senior Pictures are IN! They were sent out with students on Oct. 22nd. If you didn't get your photo proofs, come by the Library to pick them up.
We will have Senior Picture Retakes in the Library on November 15th!
Herff Jones will be in the courtyard on October 25th to take orders for caps, gowns, rings etc.
They will deliver items in the Fall and again in the Spring.
Click here to see the Senior Customizing Sheet for Grad Orders!
Click Here to check out the Packages & Pricing Sheet for Grad Orders.

If you haven't ordered your Senior pictures yet, click the link to the left to get started! You can look up your student by their ID number and find their proofs online.
If you did not take Senior pictures yet, you can book a session with Lifetouch and get them done at the Lifetouch Studio! (Link to the right)
If you ordered photos, but did not receive them, you can contact their customer service at (866)955-8342 and they can help you out!