Welcome to the Somerset Independent School District Online Application website. Thank you for your interest in Somerset ISD. The online application is a Web base application with simple instructions to follow. By clicking on the link below, you will be able to access our application process and view a list of current openings.
Applicants MUST have the following information BEFORE using the Online Application System:
Your own personal Username and Password to develop a Profile
A minimum of 3 references with email addresses
An active personal email account
Attachments for certifications, licenses, resumes, letters, etc., are best uploaded in PDF format.
Skyward Online Application Access - FastTrack
Please note the following:
It is important that the entire application be completed.
Applications with missing information will not be considered.
The application may be saved. It is recommended that you write down your username and password before beginning the application process. Upon completion, you will be able to print out a hard copy of your information.
Please pay close attention to the directions provided upon submission.
NOTE: Should you not have access to a computer, please feel free to complete the application on-site at the Human Resources office. HR staff members are ready to assist you!
Effective January 1, 2008, Texas law requires that all prospective school employees submit to a fingerprint supported criminal history background check and be cleared for employment.
If you are offered a position in the Somerset school district, you will be required to pay a non-refundable fee to submit a fingerprint supported criminal background check prior to beginning employment.

E-Verify Employer
Somerset ISD participates in E-Verify
Legislation requires employers to verify that all newly hired individuals be authorized to work in the United States and to complete an Employment Verification (Form I-9) for each new employee. Newly hired employees will be required to provide legally acceptable proof of their identity and authorization to work in the U.S.
E-Verify is an internet-based system operated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA) that allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of new hires and the validity of their Social Security Numbers.
Through participation in the E-Verify program, Somerset ISD electronically verifies the employment eligibility and Social Security Number validity of all new hires.
In accordance with Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX, Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, the Somerset Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, military status, color, national origin, age, sex, disability or any other basis prohibited by law. The Title IX Coordinator is Sheila Collazo, Associate Superintendent, 19644 Somerset Road / P.O. Box 279, Somerset, TX 78069, (210) 750-8955. The Section 504 Coordinator is Sheila Collazo, Associate Superintendent, 19644 Somerset Road / P.O. Box 279, Somerset, TX 78069, (210) 750-8955.
NOTICIA: De acuerdo con el título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles del año 1964, el Título IX de la Reforma Educativa del año 1972, el Artículo 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación del año1973 y el Título II de la Ley de los Estadounidenses con Discapacidades del año 1992, el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Somerset no discrimina por motivos de raza, religión, estado militar, color, nacionalidad, edad, sexo, discapacidad ni por ningún otro motivo prohibido por la ley. La coordinadora del Título IX es Sheila Collazo, Associate Superintendent, 7791 6th Street / P.O. Box 279, Somerset, TX 78069, (210) 750-8955. El coordinador del Artículo 504 es Sheila Collazo, Associate Superintendent, 7791 6th Street / P.O. Box 279, Somerset, TX 78069, (210) 750-8955.