
Dear Parents/Guardians and District Staff,

We are excited to announce that once again, we will be offering weekly ASYMPTOMATIC
Covid-19 testing at school. Since the fall of 2020, Somerset ISD has partnered with Community
Labs to offer our students and staff asymptomatic Covid-19 testing at school. Participation in
this program is strictly voluntary. Parents/guardians who are interested in registering their
child/children for weekly asymptomatic Covid-19 testing can register using the QR code on the
attached link.  If you have registered in the past, you will need to reregister for this school
year. District staff are also welcome to register. Registration is now open. Once registered, you
do not have to register again for the remainder of the school year.

Once registered, you will receive an individualized QR code that will be saved and scanned
each week for testing. Elementary students will have their QR codes printed at school.
Secondary students can save the QR code image to their phones or have it printed at school as
well. Minor students who have not been registered and consented by their parent/guardian
WILL NOT be tested. Test results will be sent with 24 hours to the phone (via text) or email
that you provide during registration.

Testing is scheduled to start Monday, October 3, 2022 and will be conducted weekly through
the end of the 2022-2023 school year.

What to do if you receive a positive test result:

  • Stay home and contact the school
  • You will be provided with additional information by the school nurse

When to return to school/work:

  • Positive students/staff will have to stay home for 5 days
  • The day after test date is day 1. Return to school or work is on day 6 (if feeling well and
  • no fever the day before)

Students/staff can return prior to day 6 if 2 negative PCR tests results are provided (at least 24 hours apart)

For more information:
Yvette Treviño, BSN, RN
School Health Services Coordinator
Somerset ISD
210-750-8955 ext. 6204