‘Book Blast’ Earns Students at Savannah Heights Intermediate School New Books

Savannah Heights Intermediate  School is about to embark on a school-wide book drive unlike any other!  Starting on Monday, September 23, 2024, the school will launch their Books Are Fun Book Blast.  This literacy initiative helps our students build their home libraries while also helping the school to get more books and school supplies.  No matter what, this program ensures all the students at the school will take home at least one new, fun, age-appropriate book for their home libraries.  However, with the help of the community, friends, and family, students can earn up to 10 books! 

How does this all work?  Students send out invitations to friends and family members to help them reach their goal of taking home all 10 books on their grade-level list.  So, if you receive an invitation from a student you know, please click on the link in the invitation and help that child by contributing on their personal contribution page.  100% of the contributions they receive first go towards the books on their book list and then help other students needing books too.  Any remaining contributions after every student earns all 10 books will go toward more books for the school and classroom supplies.  Let’s help Savannah Heights Intermediate School reach their goal of every student taking home all 10 books!

If you don’t know a student at the school or receive an invitation to contribute, but you’d still like to help all students at Savannah Heights Intermediate School take home more books, you can contribute at:

Books are fun Treasure Map

Books are fun Treasure Map (Spanish)